Back of Bourke road trip

A friend asked me this week, what I had learnt from my trip to the back of Bourke. It didn't really occur to me I had learnt anything until I answered that question…

As I sat on the banks of the Darling River just outside Bourke, looking for exciting things to photograph and hoping for something to happen, my father said to me to sit down, be still and let the goings on of nature happen around me.

And so I sat on a log that jutted out over the riverbank and was quiet. Birds flew in and out of the scene, a Black Kite swooped in from above where it had been circling some invisible goodie in the river that my eyes could not see, grasped a fish in its claws and vanished again.

And so what have I learnt…. be still, be quiet, don’t spent all your time looking for the exciting moments. Sometimes, if you put yourself in the right spot, fully present and eyes open, they will come to you.

Golden fields in Quirindi New South Wales

Golden fields in Quirindi New South Wales

Yellow fields, Upper Hunter, New South Wales

Yellow fields, Upper Hunter, New South Wales

Broken windmill Narrabri New South Wales

Broken windmill Narrabri New South Wales

Fields in Gunnedah, New South Wales

Fields in Gunnedah, New South Wales

Wee Waa, New South Wales

Wee Waa, New South Wales

Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Black Kite fishing on the Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Black Kite fishing on the Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Pelicans napping on the Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Pelicans napping on the Darling River, Bourke, New South Wales

Girilambone train station 1884 - 1986, New South Wales

Girilambone train station 1884 - 1986, New South Wales

Mosque, Bourke, New South Wales

Mosque, Bourke, New South Wales

Somewhere on the road, Upper Hunter, New South Wales

Somewhere on the road, Upper Hunter, New South Wales

Road to Nyngan, New South Wales

Road to Nyngan, New South Wales

Kangaroo, Dubbo, New South Wales

Kangaroo, Dubbo, New South Wales

Urban Kangaroo posing in Dubbo, New South Wales

Urban Kangaroo posing in Dubbo, New South Wales